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The more you read this the more jaw-dropping, dystopian and horrifying it gets. @RAIL - does this happen anywhere……

About 2 years ago from Martin Tod's Twitter via Twitter Web App


Step Change for The SME

The Shoreditch Partnership provides business support to Small and Medium sized enterprises evolving into the next phase of growth and change. With an extensive network of top professionals, the team empowers business owners through their company change by providing interim board management, specialised market specific skills, M&A services, HR performance and resolution, investment services, and via our partners’ professional advice on finance, law, and taxation.

The Shoreditch Partnership has engaged with a comprehensive list of new tech companies, Channel Management Services, Telco evolution, M2M Commercial Services, Clean Tech and Renewals Energy, new Brand Designer Wear, early and later phase investment scenarios, and more. Common to all these companies is the drive to change, the need to evolve, and the desire to become a serious name in their industry.

If you consider your next change or business to be evolutionary, revolutionary, or disruptive, then contact The Shoreditch Partnership. We can help you to get to your destination by reducing your exposure to unnecessary risk.