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The more you read this the more jaw-dropping, dystopian and horrifying it gets. @RAIL - does this happen anywhere……

About 2 years ago from Martin Tod's Twitter via Twitter Web App


Our Principals

John Reilly – co-founder and Managing Partner

A senior strategic mentor with competitive analysis skills working in existing, new, or underdeveloped markets, and a combination of skills for a depth of understanding in business and technology, P&L ownership, and management.


Tel: +44 7921 859543





Paul Finnigan – co-founder and Commercial & Fund Raising Partner

30 years’ experience providing services in mergers, acquisitions and finance raising. Member of an EIS Funds Investment Advisory Panel, monitoring and mentoring investments in a variety of sectors that include technology, manufacturing, healthcare and the creative & media sectors.


Tel: +44 20 8123 7073