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The more you read this the more jaw-dropping, dystopian and horrifying it gets. @RAIL - does this happen anywhere……

About 2 years ago from Martin Tod's Twitter via Twitter Web App


Case Study Project 381

New Tech start-up.. A complex core system delivering multiple streams of secure communication to higher education, shareholders, and public service groups.

Company Profile

The Shoreditch Partnership’s client provides a mobile application that provides one to one – or one to many, closed group communication for multiple industries. With a focus on Education, this application has at its core a sophisticated rules based engine and AI that enables its use to be secure and flexible. The application is a big data play and is

Contact level at Deal – named contacts

Company Founders / Owners


UK based company.


To maintain focus for an application core that has multiple uses in multiple industries.

Type of opportunity

Define the structure, the leadership, the strategy, core focus, legal requirements, and business case for the company.

The Shoreditch Partnership

Retained to work with the company to commercialise the application, mentor the leadership, and assist in the production of a suitable business case, and to assist the company to secure funding and a market position.