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The more you read this the more jaw-dropping, dystopian and horrifying it gets. @RAIL - does this happen anywhere……

About 2 years ago from Martin Tod's Twitter via Twitter Web App


Case Study Project 357

IT and IT Enabled Services Outsourcing

Company Profile

The Shoreditch Partnership’s client provides services focused on helping clients get the most out of their IT & ITES Outsourcing strategy.

Its founders have significant experience delivering measurable benefits to a wide range of clients. The services designed are based on years of experience of global companies outsourcing and use practical, easy to manage, and measurable outcomes. Our client

strikes a balance between managing risk, and leveraging opportunities. This differentiated approach and sharply focused services make a transformational impact to companies Outsourcing strategy.

Contact level at Deal – named contacts

Company Founders / Owners


USA based looking to expand into Europe


A Key USP is the ability to provide a clear analysis of the provision of services in the country of origin of these outsourced services with a focus on India.

Type of opportunity

Build and deploy a multi-vendor framework to potential clients in Europe. Define service lines typical to Europe. Assist in managing the company, building scale, and capability.

The Shoreditch Partnership

A significant role forming the UK based company, building pipeline, scale, assisting in strategy and service lines, attend meetings, mentoring and risk reduction.