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The more you read this the more jaw-dropping, dystopian and horrifying it gets. @RAIL - does this happen anywhere……

About 2 years ago from Martin Tod's Twitter via Twitter Web App


Case Study Project Clean Tech

Clean Tech and Renewable Market

Company Profile

The Shoreditch Partnership’s client is the inventor of a technology that enables households to save up to 60% of their oil and gas use for heating systems.

This is a disruptive technology. The Shoreditch Partnership formed a team of market specialists in the consumer market, specialists in estate management, and technical experts, to provide a complete and realist road map of the future for this company.

The Shoreditch Partnership is additionally providing a management team for the company, with legal and fiscal services.

Contact level at Deal – named contacts

Company Founders / Owners / Inventor


European Company with a focus on the UK market.


A Key USP is being able to run across multiple geographies, Belgium, Scotland, England, Wales, and manufacturing across 2 offshore areas.

Type of opportunity

Build and structure a company with scale and flexibility to sell and install systems in a retail, wholesale, and commercial environment.

The Shoreditch Partnership

A significant role forming the UK and European based company, building pipeline, scale, assisting in management, strategy and service lines, attend meetings, mentoring and risk reduction.